Sunday, August 31, 2014

Nothing Will Change Until We Decide

The Sun King, Louis XIV of France, was born in September 1638. He dedicated his life to glorious wars against his neighbours.
During his reign two successive famines killed more than two million Frenchmen. The figure is known thanks to the mechanical calculator invented by Blaise Pascal half a century earlier. The cause, too, is known thanks to Voltaire who later wrote, 'Good policy relies on this secret: knowing how to let die of hunger the people who allow the rest of us to live.'

(amended from Eduardo Galeano's 'Children of the Days')

Sad to say that some things are very slow to change. With all the knowledge, science and technology available to us there is little commitment to put a stop to the numerous appalling events resulting in hunger happening around the world on a non-stop basis. Desperate hunger for millions every day, in countries both 'rich' and 'poor'. Although most citizens of the world would want to see an end of this, with governments tied ever tighter to the global capitalist system there is no possibility of reaching the ever-receding humanitarian 'goals' which are cynically updated every few years. 
Nothing will change until we decide, together, that the system must change in order for it to work for us all. That's what socialism is about.

1 comment:

Matthew Culbert said...

It is the same for medicine and treatment for diseases.We have the capacity and treatments but the capitalist system's iron law of 'no profit no production', holds sway thus condemning millions to death.